, excellence in digital training accessible to all, excellence in digital training accessible to all !

Labeled French Tech, La France s’Engage, Ashoka, EPIC, offers free and intensive training in fundamental digital skills and professions in digital tension for talented people far from employment, located in fragile territories, audiences under-represented in digital technology and employees strongly impacted by digital transformation.

In 7 years, more than 11,000 people have been trained – including 37% women and 55% people with few or no qualifications, with a positive exit rate of 67% towards employment or training.

With more than 100 digital social factories (schools and CFAs) in France and around the world,, a social and solidarity enterprise approved by the State, is the largest and most inclusive network of the Grande École du Numérique in France and the most deployed internationally.


Acting for responsible digital

Simplon supports actors and companies towards a more responsible digital transformation: creating these job opportunities, by modifying the sociology of companies from the inside with different profiles, and by pushing towards a more responsible digital (green-coding, cybersecurity , making online services accessible to people with disabilities, application life cycle, etc.).



Clients, l’école qui forme aux métiers du numérique dans toute la France et à l’international